Sometimes they take people, and they don't say why,
sometimes people leave and they never say goodbye,
sometimes there are no second chances to say I love you,

sometimes there are no next times,

sometimes you lose someone and you feel like your heart has followed them to heaven and sometimes there is just nothing you can do to make the tears stop.

Sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose people. But you never forget them. And sometimes, it's those memories that give us the strength to go on.

Sometimes you have to forgive someone just because you want them in your life.

Sunday, April 22, 2012



yes, i do love chocolate indulgence damn so much.. don't know when and how.. but seriously, bile pergi secret recipe, mesti terus je order CHOLOCOLATE INDULGENCE.. tak tau la ea penangan sape la yang buat arie sampai kemaruk dan tempunan nak makan kek ni.. padahal baru je lepas makan gak sebenarnya.. time tu pergi rumah akak tika dan tak dan dan makan time praktikum lagi.. nampak sangat masih lagi fresh2.. haha.. maybe da badi excited nak sambut bitrhday kot.. tettttttt.. =P


tika with her CHEESE CAKE..

chocolate indulgence vs cheese cake..
+ karipap
+ nescafe ice

termenung memikirkan masa depan..
apa la akan berlaku pada masa akan datang.. =_="
adakah arie akan berkahwin dengan PRINCE FROG.. adakah pengakhiran hidup arie satu hari nanti seperti CINDERELLA.. haha.. mana tau kan.. ni sume gara2 cite korea dan fairy tale.. minat sangat.. tak mustahil kan fairy tale tu betul wujud dalam dunia ni.. 
hanya Allah je yang tahu.. kita hanya mampu merancang.. tapi Allah yang menentukannya..

the beauty of tika..

sesuai la jadi model..

me and tika by self timer camera..
tak tau nak minta tolong sape ambilkan gambar.. hehe..
layan je..

ok.. lepas da puas2 jalan2 area masjid putrajaya ni, kitorang pun tunggu akak tika.. 
excited ni nak jumpe anak sedara tika..

me and fatma..
anak sedara tika..

fatma dan danial..
comel2 belaka.. da rasa macam anak sedara sendiri lak.. =P

p/s : main point sebenarnye CHOCOLATE INDULGENCE.. tapi tiba2 termasuk topik lain lak.. haha.. will be continue with the new stories that more interesting and adventure.. 

1 comment:

  1. huduh nya punya gambar aku, na..
    haha, btw, thankz for the pic fatma ngan daniel.. tiba2 teringat kes makan kat secret resepi n beli air mahal, kena tegur ngan abang secret resepi tu..
