Sometimes they take people, and they don't say why,
sometimes people leave and they never say goodbye,
sometimes there are no second chances to say I love you,

sometimes there are no next times,

sometimes you lose someone and you feel like your heart has followed them to heaven and sometimes there is just nothing you can do to make the tears stop.

Sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose people. But you never forget them. And sometimes, it's those memories that give us the strength to go on.

Sometimes you have to forgive someone just because you want them in your life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


gambar time umur 17 tahun
gambar time umur 22 tahun


macam xde perbezaan je kan..
masing2 muka still same dan apa yang berubah semua makin matang dan da pandai berhias.. =P
perangai pun still same..
cume skunk, masing2 dengan bidang masing..

rindu zaman sekolah.. ktorang rapat pun since sama2 1 kelas 4A dan 5A dulu..
tapi sebelum tu memang da kenal just gitu2 je.. tak tau camne leh rapat dan still kekal sampai skunk..
sama2 share problem..
same2 share pendapat..
kat sekolah dulu ramai cakap kitorang macam adik beradik2..
haha.. maybe sebab rapat sangat kot..

hope persahabatan kita kekal till jannah..
hope kita still sama dan takde sape2 yang berubah..
hope even masing2 da bekerja dan berkahwin nanti, kita tetap melekat macam dulu dan skunk..

p/s : rindu korang.. sayang korang.. klu bleh diundurkan masa, bada nak kembali ke masa sekolah dulu.. betul kata orang, bile kita da besar dan da habis sekolah, kita akan rindu zaman sekolah sekolah kita dulu.. =(

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